Due to the climate and altitude, harvesting happens from December to March.
During this process, coffee cherries are carefully selected for their deep purpley red hue. Only the ripest cherries are picked for processing.
The daily harvest is taken from the field and soaked in a large water tank or sifón, where the second selection takes place. This is determined by density difference. The best cherries sink to the bottom of the tank and are then used in the further process while the floating cherries are processed separately.
After this selection, the cherries are moved out of the tank and into the de-pulper. These machines separate the cherry pulp and the internal coffee bean. This bean moves into a rotatory selector, eliminating residual pulp.
After all this, the beans are put into tanks where the 24 to 48 hour fermentation takes place. This eliminates the jelly inside of the seed called mucilage. After fermentation, coffee is washed and spread out to dry in the sun. This takes 8 to 15 days, depending on the weather conditions. The coffee is then hulled, meaning the last outside layer (the pergamino) is removed, leaving us with green coffee ready to roast.